
First anniversary

I just realized that the blog is now one year old! That's something. It was soon after I accidentally selected and deleted every single post of mine from the past year.

I was lucky enough to have every single post cached by Google - even the most recent one from a few hours ago. I unfortunately lost comments on these posts, but other than that I managed to get everything back within an hour or so.

This is a true rant post! The short version is - I better get some sleep. I'm lagging way behind with my work and no sleep is giving me even more extra work. (grumble-grumble)


  1. You see that Big Red Button marked "DO NOT PRESS!" ... leave it alone.
    Thank god for backups.

    1. Ha! Easier said than done, Steve! The urge was unbearable, I had to.
      I will most likely avoid doing it again. Can't make any promises though!

  2. Are we there yet? (re: robot wars or what was it - and lost comments)
